Ayurvedic Tips to Avoid Jet Lag and Exhaustion
I just returned to beautiful Encinitas after facilitating a magical retreat in Northern Italy and afterwards spending time with family in Europe.
I'm grateful for the experiences, adventures, nourishment, and the learning that came from unexpected challenges while traveling.
People often ask if I get jet lag or feel exhausted after traveling, but I don't really.
Here are some Ayurvedic tips that help me, especially during the traveling season.
Flying can disrupt digestion and aggravate Vata due to high altitude, noise, speed, and cold, causing bloating, constipation, drowsiness, anxiety, jet lag, and swelling.
Ayurvedic tips to avoid jet lag and exhaustion that work for me:
Before a Long Flight:
Give yourself an Oil Abhyanga to stay lubricated and lower Vata dosha.
Before Boarding:
Bring your own cooked vegetables and cucumbers drizzled with ghee or olive oil and digestive spices. This helps you eat nutritious, clean food before flying, and the healthy oils aid digestion and balance Vata. It also keeps you full during the flight, making it easier to avoid eating onboard.
During the Flight:
Avoid Eating: To keep Agni (digestion) strong and regulated, avoid eating, especially airplane food, which is often oversalted and unhealthy. If you need to eat, consider bringing your own food or snacks.
Stay Hydrated: Drink lots of water. Ask flight attendants for warm water if needed; they are usually very helpful.
Stay Warm: Wear wool socks and wrap a wool shawl around you to stay warm, cozy, and create your own bubble. :)
After Landing:
Go for a short walk, preferably barefoot, to ground yourself, stimulate lymph flow and circulation, and fill your lungs with fresh air.
Next Morning:
Get up before sunrise and take a walk right after sunrise. The natural rising light helps regulate the circadian rhythm.
First Day:
Take it easy to help your system adapt and integrate the change in time, climate, and culture.
I hope these tips will be helpful for you as well.
Jutta xo